What is Mouth Tape and How Can It Improve Your Sleep?

What is Mouth Tape and How Can It Improve Your Sleep?

Mouth taping is a relatively new trend in the sleep health world that has garnered attention for its potential to improve sleep quality. While it may sound unusual, the practice of using tape to keep your mouth closed during sleep is rooted in science and has been linked to several health benefits, particularly for those struggling with mouth breathing at night. In this blog post, we will explore what mouth tape is, how it works, and the potential benefits it can provide for your sleep.

What is Mouth Tape?

Mouth tape is a simple tool designed to encourage nasal breathing during sleep. Typically made from hypoallergenic materials, mouth tape is placed over the lips to gently keep the mouth closed while you rest. The concept behind it is that many people unknowingly breathe through their mouths at night, which can disrupt their sleep and lead to other health issues. Mouth taping aims to solve this by promoting nasal breathing, which is thought to have a range of benefits for both sleep quality and overall health.

The Science Behind Mouth Breathing and Sleep

Mouth breathing, especially at night, can interfere with deep and restorative sleep. When you breathe through your mouth, it often leads to dryness in the mouth and throat, increased snoring, and even more serious conditions like sleep apnea. According to a study published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, people who habitually breathe through their mouths are more prone to sleep disturbances, including fragmented sleep and reduced oxygen intake. This can leave you feeling tired and groggy the next day, even after what seemed like a full night’s sleep.

In contrast, nasal breathing allows for better filtration of air, supports proper oxygen absorption, and can help you reach deeper stages of sleep, such as REM and deep sleep. Nasal breathing also promotes the production of nitric oxide, which improves blood flow and keeps your airways open during the night. This is where mouth tape comes in—by keeping the mouth closed, it encourages you to breathe through your nose and helps prevent the sleep disruptions caused by mouth breathing.

How Mouth Tape Benefits Sleep

One of the primary benefits of mouth taping is its ability to reduce snoring. Many people snore because they are breathing through their mouths, and keeping the mouth closed can reduce or eliminate this issue. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found that nasal breathing significantly reduces snoring in people who do not suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. In these cases, mouth taping can be a simple and effective way to improve sleep quality not just for the individual, but also for their partner.

Additionally, mouth taping can improve sleep for those with mild forms of sleep apnea. While it is not a substitute for medical treatments like CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) for those with moderate to severe sleep apnea, it may help people with mild cases reduce the number of apneas they experience during the night. By encouraging nasal breathing, mouth tape helps keep the airways open, reducing the likelihood of apneas.

Mouth tape may also benefit people who wake up with dry mouth or throat, as nasal breathing is more efficient at retaining moisture. For individuals who often wake up thirsty or with a scratchy throat, mouth tape can be an easy solution to ensure they stay hydrated throughout the night. A study from the Journal of Oral Rehabilitation points out that chronic dry mouth can lead to dental issues like cavities and gum disease, so using mouth tape could potentially reduce the risk of these problems as well.

Other Health Benefits of Nasal Breathing

Beyond sleep, nasal breathing has several health benefits that are supported by research. Breathing through the nose filters out harmful particles in the air, reduces the likelihood of allergies, and helps the lungs absorb oxygen more efficiently. Nasal breathing also reduces the risk of hyperventilation, as it encourages slower, more controlled breaths.

Furthermore, nasal breathing helps regulate the balance of carbon dioxide in the body. According to the European Respiratory Journal, maintaining healthy carbon dioxide levels is important for optimal brain function and blood circulation. Mouth tape helps ensure that you are breathing in a way that supports these critical physiological processes, which can lead to better sleep quality and overall well-being.

Is Mouth Tape Safe?

For most people, mouth tape is safe to use as long as the tape is specifically designed for this purpose. It’s important to choose a product that is made from hypoallergenic materials and is gentle on the skin. Additionally, mouth taping is not recommended for people with severe respiratory issues or those who are unable to breathe effectively through their nose due to congestion or other medical conditions. If you have concerns about using mouth tape, consult a healthcare professional before trying it out.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is for educational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. If you have any respiratory or sleep-related issues, please consult a healthcare provider before using mouth tape or making changes to your sleep routine.


  • American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
  • Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine
  • Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
  • European Respiratory Journal

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